Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Samhain Art

This year for Halloween I decided to sculpt and paint a mask to wear as a stylized form of Melek Ta'us, the Peacock Angel of Middle Eastern myth.

Dressed in black leather, a purple shirt and a peacock feather, I completed this homage to the Blue God and went out dancing, thus connecting what are usually two very different experiences for me... a secular Halloween, and a religious Samhain. Doing my best to embody the qualities of my favorite Deity, I had the good fortune to run into a hot little satyr with whom I shared the dance floor for most of the evening. Today, still basking in the glow of the previous night, I created the following art piece:

'Return of the Peacock Angel' ©2005 Storm Faerywolf
"Return of the Peacock Angel" ©2005 Storm Faerywolf
Click image for description or to purchase


apocalypso23 said...


yezida said...

Holy Shit! I want that!!!!! When will you be selling copies???
(Wish I'd seen you in the outfit, too. Almost made it to DG after ancestor dinner and Bauhaus, but *ahem* other religious observances came up).

stiobhanrune said...

That... is an excellent picture.
Just... wow...

ogam said...

Will you be my psychopomp?
*cheering raucously and rapturously*
Damn fine constructive subversion your hieros gamos of Halloween and Samhain. Both heart- and loins-warming. No wonder Pan blessed you so graciously in that secular dance temple last night!
Will you be my psychopomp?
A hundred thousand blessings on your heads both great and small, .

southernpm said...

really cool. and you look hawt in that mask.

faerywolf said...

Why, thank you!

faerywolf said...

** blush ** thanks a lot... you sweet talker! ;)

faerywolf said...

Wowzers... thanks a lot! I'm glad you like... It *will* be available soon... just wanted to get Witch Eye done first...
Would have been great to see you too. Glad you had a good time! Hope to see you soon!

faerywolf said...

Re: Wow...

faerywolf said...

Re: Will you be my psychopomp?
Thank you for your uproarious praise! I appreciate it very much.

mousemessenger said...

Oh my GOD!! I too am eagerly awaiting the availability of prints... This is really, really stunning!!

faerywolf said...

Prints are now available!
It will also be avaialbe soon in Tarot card form as it is my High Priest (Heirophant) card.