Friday, February 09, 2007

What I got for Solstice...

OK... Sex filter post #1! (Yay!)

It's a bit late, but look what I got for Solstice! Well... actually, I got this a long time before solstice (like a year or so before) but I didn't have any of the hardware to set-it up until southernpm bought all the "stuff" and installed it for us, the price for doing so, of course, was a chance to be able to help break it in... which I happily (and piggishly) agreed to. :)

Getting the sling originally was part fetish and part joke; I have always wanted one (don't look at me like that!) but they were always so expensive... I had asked my husband carnivalia for one for my birthday one year and he jokingly told me that he might get me a used one on eBay. I had never thought of that... so I checked eBay myself and got this one for under $50. (Yes... I made sure it was cleaned before I used it!)  ;)

Let me just say that I love it. It's hanging in our temple-room which makes it a place better suited for worshiping the kind of Gods that really interest me. ;) And it's really easy to take down when I need the temple for more "conventional" use. I'm thinking, though, that I shall paint the temple black to give it that really satanic/sex dungeon feel, which will be great for fucking, and great for meditating in the "normal" way, too. But I don't think Chas is really on board with that yet, so I will need to work on him some more.

I'm also thinking that I should write more sex magick rituals now... and of course, practice, practice, practice! 


technocowboy said...

HAWT! Yes, it's all about the sex posts today, evidently. Damn, that's awesome.

haphazzard said...

Uhmm. . . uhh. . .
So, when do I come over for a visit?

faerywolf said...

When do you *want* to come over? :)

haphazzard said...

Soon. . . pretty soon.

sanalin said...

Nice! I'm slightly jealous :) Enjoy, and tell stories! :)