Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Next Feri Camp, Dates Announced!

crossposted to :

Feri Camp '08: Sex, Love, and Power

With Thorn Coyle, Storm Faerywolf, Michele Jackson, and Karina
June 26 - 29, 2008
New Hampshire

Join Feri students and practitioners for Summer Camp in New Hampshire this June as we explore the mysteries of Sex, Love and Power in the Feri Tradition. Cost of camp is $350 and includes all workshops, intensives, rituals, meals and lodging. There is a discount for tenters, but due to limited space this is on a first come, first served basis. This is a drug and alcohol free event. For more information and a registration form, please email chelidon@mythosphere.com. Space is limited to 40 and is filling fast!


revhyperion said...

You had me until the "alcohol free" line. hehe, Just kidding. It sounds fantastic. I wish I had more time off from work to go. I bet it will be incredible!

warjustice said...

Woo-hoo! I sent my e-mail yesterday-hope i get in! Cross your fingers!-Edge