Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It has only just begun...


fattest said...


mrj15 said...

I hear you!

127fascination said...

Cute picture. Cute couple. Determined couple.
Feel the love.

blaugirl said...

This makes me very happy to look at. Mind if I repost in my LJ?

faerywolf said...

Please do!

0rko said...

Yay! Such an adorable picture.

tempested_bird said...

Here, here!
Speaking of which, have you seen Keith Olbermann's special comment on Prop 8 and redefining marriage?
It's worth a watch.

merlinwon said...

Good God/dess!! You both are extemely happy and handsome! Wowsers!! A match made in heaven!! Luv n Hugs to you both!! Enjoy your happily ever after!! xoxoxo

bellamagic said...


queerpaganquill said...

Here, here!
This proposition 8 thing pisses me off to no end. Jeremy and I (and maybe the others) are going to a rally here in Columbus on Saturday. This isn't fair. It isn't just. It isn't American.
Fuck the Mormon Church.

andragon said...

What an excellent picture ;)
YAY :) Do not submit!!

julianhill said...

LOL. At first I read that as "We will not submit to a MORON divorce"

grey_twolf said...

Well, as Harper pointed out in Angels in America . . . based on the name of the Angel that appeared to Smith, that's what they should be called.

starrthinks said...

We have a rally scheduled in Fayetteville, AR Saturday as well to oppose hate legislation. We just passed a horrible document banning co-habitating couples of any sexual orientation from fostering or adopting kids. Sigh. Because the people behind the bill would rather farm kids out to state care (i.e. orphanages) than see a gay couple or a couple "living in sin" provide a stable home, food, love, protection! Argh! It makes no sense! So we will be standing on the corner opposing both Prop 8 and our own Act 1 hate legislation.

polychromatic22 said...

The pure religious intolerance (and that's what it is - after all, as it is their religion that is telling them that only a man/woman partnership is sanctified) that is being thrust down our throats cannot be tolerated.
The strength and beauty that is your relationship is one of the candles that stands during this dark vigil for all of our civil rights. Thank you both for making such a very bright light in the darkness.

tanith_astlik said...

That is so full of awesome, I cannot begin to tell you!

happydog said...

and as far as I'm concerned, Piss on a buncha Mormons!!
(wait, maybe they might like that.)

revhyperion said...


azuzil said...

No Kink for Prop 8 Mormons
No spankings, no waterplay, no humiliation scenes, no canings, no floggings. They are hurting people. They don't deserve the attention.

veedub said...


shi_rawi_wittem said...


guyinsf said...

nicely done. :)

dahlia_noir said...

This makes me smile :)
Keep up the good fight! I'll be right there with ya'll!

gillshallows said...

Well, that'd be accurate too.

katzedecimal said...

Here in Canada, gays have had the right to marry for a while now and strangely enough, straight marriages are still happening, established marriages don't seem to have deteriorated at a rate any faster than before, and the country has neither exploded nor burned to the ground. Maybe we're doing it wrong? ^__~

mz_seshet said...

I've been hearing from lawyers that those marriages that occured during the legal time period will remain legal. I know it doesn't address the problem as a whole - but wondering if you know this is true or not?

mystfemme said...

You Are Married
You two are so obviously, joyfully married. No one can take that away.
I'm all for gay marriage being legal and I also know it will be a looooong time before such a thing is legal here in Texas.
We ended our recent wedding with the officiant saying lines:
Only a couple can administer the sacrament of marriage to each other, and only a couple can sanctify it. Neither the church, nor any power vested in me by the state, can grant me the authority to declare what only two hearts can declare, and what only two souls can make real.
And so now, in as much as you, Dori, and you, Suzanne, have announced the truths that are already written in your hearts, and have witnessed the same in the presence of these, your family and friends, -- we observe joyfully that you have declared yourselves to be ... Life Partners.

eldaradan said...

Oh Good Grief!! I'm glad we didn't have anything that asinine here in Oklahomo this time around. I might really have to slap some suckers.
Seriously. Is this what people have to do with their time?
*Grabs hair, screams, runs in circles, etc. etc.*

eldaradan said...

Hmm. Maybe being part of the Commonwealth means your country has a built-in immunity to the dangers queens (and kings!) might otherwise pose to our oh-so-democratic benighted states?
Or maybe your fags just need to kick it up a notch.
I'm officially on the market for a man with a big, fat Canadian passport.

eldaradan said...

*So* adorable.
The state recognizes Mor(m)on marriage and divorce--as an honest-to-state minister, regular church-goer (no, really) and pagan priest, I really want to know where the religious discrimination against our rites and rights of marriage comes in. Ok, that makes three comments on one post, so I'm done now.

satyresque said...

Hope all is going great with the store & life.
Keep on keeping on, a couple so beautiful inside & out can't be denied their rights for long. This is a fight we will win.