Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Poem from my book

Because a friend was talking about it today:

The Forgotten Ancestors
by Storm Faerywolf

They are without name and number
without face or memory
Or shade
Or form
But still they live
As hungry ghosts
feeding on the crusts of bread
And the kindness of strangers.
But they are not unknown to us
Not completely.
The men and women of secret passions
The man who wore a dress and was arrested
Taken away in a wagon of queers
The woman
With hair cut short and wearing slacks
Like any gentleman on the town.
They are still here with us
Wandering lost.
Wander no more for we remember
Though we know not your names, we remember!
You who lived your lives on your own terms
Who broke the molds and lived
And suffered
And laughed,
And died
All in the name of love.
We honor you.


apollonmk said...

Thank you for sharing this. I love it.

warjustice said...

Wow-thats utterly amazing

warjustice said...

Do you mind if I post it to my facebook? Giving YOU credit, of course!-Edge

gwelt said...

This reminds me of a scrapbook page my aunt gave me. It has a picture of my grandfather's brothers and sisters and their info, birthdate, marriage etc. One of the brothers, George, had the birthdate then the statement Never Married. When I was learning to do ancestor work he was one of the spirits that came to me and confirmed what I suspected.

faerywolf said...

Be my guest. Thank you. :)

drakematrix said...

I'm totally using that in a ritual

eldaradan said...

Oh, goodness.
I'm glad I met you when I was in California--when? Last month? At your Pearl Pentacle class, at any rate. Now I can clearly hear your voice when I read that. It made me cry. Thank you. Tears are happening more often lately. What a gift those are, too.
I still have a lot of gay rage.