Thursday, September 23, 2004

I love memes...

Stolen from fattest, who stole it from [info]nadinelet who stole it from [info]nihilistic_kid:

1. Think of a word you would use to describe me.
2. Go to Google Image Search and search for that word.
3. Select the picture you see as most fitting, and post it as a reply.
4. Post this meme in your journal.


lonespiritwolf2 said...

Hey hun...there are so many ways to describe you and none of them fit perfectly, they all leave something out. Here is the best I could do with this limited verbage ;)

avalonson said...

The word was visionary

faerywolf said...

You're a sweetheart... :)

faerywolf said...

Oh, I am *so* curious as to what the word was here... ;)

faerywolf said...

Thank you. :) The link to the image you posted had an extra quote at the end, but I figured it out:

faerywolf said...

Are you saying I'm a computer geek???
Hey, the guy in the picture *is* kinda cute! ;)
Glad to see you on here, Thom! How ya been??