Thursday, October 06, 2005

Of Radios and Witches...

Today I gave a live interview for KKUP, a small non-commercial radio station based in Cupertino. I have been interviewed for print media before, but never for radio, and certainly not LIVE radio. For two hours we talked about Witchcraft, Queer Spirituality, and the Feri tradition. We even took callers who had some thoughtful questions ranging from encounters with faeries, Witchcraft in popular culture, and the differences between Feri and Wicca. In terms of Feri material we talked a bit about the Three Souls, the Iron Pentacle, and the Blue God. It was a great opportunity for me to be able to talk about the things that are important to me, as well as to promote my website. I even made some book suggestions, which included The Spiral Dance, and Evolutionary Witchcraft. This was not your average 'local media outlet wants to do a Witchy spot for Halloween', but rather an intelligent exploration into the Craft as a viable spirituality.  I only wish that I had been able to record it... they were going to do it for me but had a technical problem right before we went on air. Oh well... All in all it was a good experience. Hopefully I'll get to do it again sometime.


heartssdesire said...

Hey, cool! We did an interview on Witchraft for KKUP years ago. They're pretty nice people. Like all media, they only seem to get interested in interviewing witches in October for their Halloween hype, but we did it anyway. Might as well use the hype for an opportunity to do some public relations. We had a family member record our interview. I would probably hate to listen to it now, I think I was only about 23 when I did it and probably wasn't very articulate.

shlomarosenberg said...

Mazel Tov kiddo!
Oh... and look forward to my app. in the mail. It's accompanied by an order for some of your husbands art!
Think you might ever sell copies of the interview on the site?

faerywolf said...

Was going to check the box today, but will do it tomorrow. I'll let you know.
If I got a copy of the interview then I was planning on converting it to MP3 and having it for free download on my site... but alas, it didn't get recorded, so better luck next time.

faerywolf said...

Cool! Yes, they were very nice... the gentleman who interviewed me was Larry Grant. He has a once a month show called "Blue Moon". I was hoping that they had a web presence for his show, but not as of yet. A testament to how non-cheesy they were, the word 'Halloween' never appeared in the interview. ;)

darkemoone said...

Hey Storm!
Congrats on the radio intervew!
I randomly stumbled upon your LJ space but was pleasantly surprised to find you here! I hope all is well with you.