Stolen from the journal of haphazzard:
1. Ever punch someone in the face?
2. How old are you?
3. Are you single or taken?
4. Eat with your hands or utensils?
5. Do you dream at night?
6. Ever seen a corpse?
7. Have you ever wished someone dead?
8. Do you like Bush?
9. Whats your philosophy on life? and death?
10. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
11. Do you trust the police?
12. Do you like country music?
13. Do you think I'm attractive?
14. If you could change anything about yourself would you?
15. Batman or Superman?
16. What do you wear to sleep?
17. Have you ever peed in a pool? while you were still in it?
18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to?
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
20. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Okay so I am avoiding work...
1. Ever punch someone in the face? yes, but I was a teenager and had been drinking alot of Jack Daniels.
2. How old are you? 37
3. Are you single or taken? technically single
4. Eat with your hands or utensils? yes
5. Do you dream at night? yes
6. Ever seen a corpse? yes, on more than one occasion
7. Have you ever wished someone dead? yes
8. Do you like Bush? of it.
9. Whats your philosophy on life? and death?
To live it to it's fullest and to learn what is being taught. Death is a transition to a different plane/dimension..whatever you want to call it.
10. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: Most foods I don't like have more to do with texture than taste.
11. Do you trust the police? not really
12. Do you like country music? yes, I was raised with it.
13. Do you think I'm attractive? oh yes, yes I do. But you knew that already. :p
14. If you could change anything about yourself would you? I would stop procrasting and do what I plan to do.
15. Batman or Superman? Batman
16. What do you wear to sleep? nothing
17. Have you ever peed in a pool? while you were still in it? umm...I was young
18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to? Let me get my shovel.
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? We would go up to wine country and spend the day eating good food drink fabulous wine and having amazing sex. All over the place. And then we would just be together.
20. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? sure why not. I'm bored.
1. Ever punch someone in the face? - no
2. How old are you? - 47
3. Are you single or taken? I think taken
4. Eat with your hands or utensils? Sometimes both
5. Do you dream at night? Many dreams
6. Ever seen a corpse? Several
7. Have you ever wished someone dead? I'm not sure
8. Do you like Bush? Not really
9. Whats your philosophy on life? and death? Life is like a step on a ladder.. if you do good, you go up. bad, then down. Leading on to death and where or what you'll be on the next level or plane!
10. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I've seen many things most people haven't.
11. Do you trust the police? to an extent
12. Do you like country music? yes.. old and new
13. Do you think I'm attractive? Of course. I've had my fantasies! :)
14. If you could change anything about yourself would you? If i could, i would!
15. Batman or Superman? Superman
16. What do you wear to sleep? Nothing
17. Have you ever peed in a pool? while you were still in it? Maybe when i was very young, and prolly only once!
18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to? Prolly
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? Whatever your heart desires! :)
20. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? I dunno
OK, since the internet is a great place to post inappropriately personal stuff
1. Ever punch someone in the face?
I must have once in my life. To be honest I don't think so.
2. How old are you?
3. Are you single or taken?
4. Eat with your hands or utensils?
I eat spagetti with my hands and hamburgers with utensils
5. Do you dream at night?
6. Ever seen a corpse?
Yes, a few
7. Have you ever wished someone dead?
8. Do you like Bush?
Not at all
9. Whats your philosophy on life? and death?
I don't know. I wish I did, it all depends on my mood really. I think Keep Trucking might sum it up nicely
10. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
I can't think of anything. Ummmm, nope that's not interesting. hmmm, how about....nope nada
11. Do you trust the police?
12. Do you like country music?
13. Do you think I'm attractive?
14. If you could change anything about yourself would you?
Yes, I would be prettier
15. Batman or Superman?
16. What do you wear to sleep?
Depends sometimes PJ's sometimes nada
17. Have you ever peed in a pool? while you were still in it?
When I was like two
18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to?
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
Whatever you wanted to do.
20. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Sure thing.
Actually, I stole it from Suedeheadspike, who stole it from someone else. . .
1. Ever punch someone in the face? Yes.
2. How old are you? 45
3. Are you single or taken? taken
4. Eat with your hands or utensils? both
5. Do you dream at night? yes- don't always remember them well
6. Ever seen a corpse? Quite a few- comes with the job
7. Have you ever wished someone dead? The thought has crossed my mind
8. Do you like Bush? no
9. Whats your philosophy on life? and death? "Do just, love kindness and walk humbly with your G-d" "Energy never dies- We never say good-bye- just so long for now."
10. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I am terrified of dentists
11. Do you trust the police? On the whole yes- but I'd still tread lightly
12. Do you like country music? err- yeah
13. Do you think I'm attractive? You look okay to me
14. If you could change anything about yourself would you? natural redhair
15. Batman or Superman? Batman
16. What do you wear to sleep? not much- panties
17. Have you ever peed in a pool? while you were still in it? yes in the younger years
18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to? I doubt we'll ever be in that would depend I guess.
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? You'd have to choose. I don't know you.2
20. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? I don't know
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