Because of recent discussions going on in the Feri community I have decided to post my article from Witch Eye #15 concerning my take on the Wand system.
So, for those who may be interested, I offer The Colors of Power: Exploring the Wands of the F(a)eri(e) Tradition.
I'm the one who brught the topic of your artcle and the wands up! Yay me! (lol)
Pretty cool that you got wind of a conversation going on over on the Students of Feri list!
Thanks, this should help folks out including myself!
Been thinking about that article lately.
I love it, not only as a way of showing specialization, but also recognizing that there are so many practical APPLICATIONS in life that a witch needs to or can explore. It's like the hanky code of wands. ;-)
i think all of us as initiates are called on to emphasize different colors at different times throughout our lives. right now i'm functioning in mainly white and yellow, with a dash of bone, to use your color model; but this has not always been true and may not always continue to be true as i continue on my path.
if you don't like the wand you embody at present, go out and make one of your own... who knows, we might discover some brand-new colors.
That sounds ominous. ;)
Exactly. :)
It was also going on elsewhere, but kinda interesting that it would seem that the same conversation has shown up on two private lists with no membership crossover. Hmmm...
Forgive me if this is a naive question, or an inappropriate place to ask it...
Though I certainly recognize that Feri may have unique takes on the usage of these wands, I'm trying to understand what would make these 13 wands specific to Feri. If I leave out the specific word "Feri" in a couple of descriptions, perhaps change "craft" to "tradition" (or change both to "path"), and maybe reword the reference to Ana, these 13 wands cover areas and concerns that I believe should be (and are) a part of many spiritual paths.
Is there anything inherent in this system that would make it usable only by Feri initiates?
I don't see anything in it that would leave me uncomfortable incorporating it into paths I have worked with previously, unless that is something that would be disrespectful or confusing. It seems like something that just makes sense as a way of looking at things, the skills listed are simply skills which are a part of living a certain kind spiritual life, and many paths already have these concepts included as a part of the path.
Though I certainly recognize that Feri may have unique takes on the usage of these wands, I'm trying to understand what would make these 13 wands specific to Feri.
As written in my article, they are specifically Feri because they came through me in the context of working with specific Feri lore. I meditated on traditional lore and this was the result. They were created with the idea that they could be used as post-initiatory pursuits in our tradition. Certainly someone could use them as inspiration for non-Feri workings... but in this context, with the incantations and the emblems, they are specifically BlueRose Feri.
Now this isn't to say that someone can't adopt them for their own uses outside of the Feri context, but it is hopeful that their origins will be respected.
Is there anything inherent in this system that would make it usable only by Feri initiates? I don't see anything in it that would leave me uncomfortable incorporating it into paths I have worked with previously, unless that is something that would be disrespectful or confusing.
The system as it is described in my article is something that should only be worked by Feri initiates because that was what it was created to do... but again, there is nothing stopping anyone from using them as inspiration pieces to form their own "system" outside of Feri. In BlueRose there are more specific ways to go about passing them and what they mean, but if you are not working in the Feri tradition then there is nothing stopping you from doing whatever you want with them. They just wouldn't be the same. (For example, someone outside of Feri claiming the Green Wand isn't the same as a Feri initiate holding a Green Wand that was passed to them by their peers. At least not where the Feri tradition is concerned. It's a tradition-specific system in this context, and it should be stressed that not all lines in Feri even acknowledge the use of the wands.
The Hanky Code of Wands? Oh now... that rocks! :)
Is that a Red Wand in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Glad you liked it.
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