I am now officially back from the New Hampshire and am happy to report that it was a huge success. I met so many wonderful people and I learned a lot. My classes were well received, even when during my Amethyst Pentacle class I completely blanked out on one of the pathways! Thank goodness for ryanfirewitch who was able to invoke the power of technology to summon the page from my website to fill in my blank! I even got an opportunity to learn from the other fabulous teachers and now have some more pieces to inform my own practice. As has been tradition, Michele (mrj15) and I stayed up all night on the last night, much to the chagrin of Thorn (yezida) who apparently didn't believe us when we warned her that it was our intention. Next camp: separate sleeping/hanging-out areas for the teachers, or barring that, earplugs. ;) (Sorry, Thorn! I hope you have recovered nicely.) Karina (loveandpower) did a great job of staying up until 3am, falling asleep while laughing, as is her custom at these things. What an exercise in BlackHearted joy!
I had a great time teaching with Karina again.. upon arriving at camp, and comparing notes, we realized that we were about to offer what pretty much amounted to the same class. So we decided to combine our talents and our efforts to present one class together. We have such similar approaches that at times it's scary, as if we are living in each other's heads.
My Daemon Lover class went really well. I read some Rumi (a common theme for this camp) and we did some energy exercises based on projecting the fetch-body and infusing it with the presence of our holy daemon in the context of the Pearl Pentacle. Tingly!
Michele's Creating a Feri Retreat at Home class was very well presented and it provided the impetus that I needed to get back on track with my visual art. As a result I will re-visit my Tarot art project starting in the next few days. Stay tuned!
I am also going to be re-opening my Feri classes. After seeing so many talented and dedicated people who are really doing the work, I just can't sit back and keep things as small as I have been. I'm also going to be starting a new in-person class as soon as I have enough people. If anyone is interested please send an application and cover letter.
1437 N Broadway
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
I am really grateful for this work. I was blessed to be in the presence of so many people who are really invested in doing the hard (and joyous!) work necessary to become fully possessed by their own divinity. Every once in awhile I hear murmurs of discomfort from the more secretive factions of our community that these sort of things are being publicly offered. But each and every time I see the level of sheer commitment and wild power that these people demonstrate I am even more convinced that this is the right direction for myself, my community, and my tradition.
So... to each and every one of you who is doing this work... whether you are secretive, open or anywhere in between... thank you. You make this tradition the most powerful and beautiful thing I have ever known. Together we will move forward and learn the deep magics. Together we will claim our divinity and our power. Together we will change the world.
Indeed we will! As I told Michelle, this is amazing work you're each doing, and I can feel the positive reverberations from each camp. Thank you, and blessed be.
I was so glad to be able to learn from you at Camp! Your daemon lover class was great. I look forward to seeing your tarot card! (posted mine today)
Thank you for giving us all the opportunity to work with you. It was a pleasure.
(The 'Courting Power' piece I mentioned in the morning path is, as I mentioned, up on my LJ under the Feri filter. So.
Also hi, this is me leaving you a comment like I said I would. One crazed Egyptian Feri water-bearer, reporting for something-or-other.)
I am so glad that you have a powerful experience at Feri camp and that your teaching is revitalized. I might have to take you up on it. ;-)
Imagine... Dr. E. the Feri initiate. hehehe.
I am so in awe of people's hard work and connection. It makes it all the noise and effort worthwhile.
i think we need to talk on the phone about distance teaching. i'm getting requests for same and don't feel competent to teach at a distance, and i'd really like to know how you cope with it and its ramifications.
Welcome Back! Glad you had a good time!-Edge
I am about to move closer to your neck o' the woods (work = Oakland, live = Emeryville) and would love to get together for a meal or a drink after I've settled in. (You may also consider you and yours invited to my "I've Arrived!" party, date and time TBD.)
i really got what i needed out of the morning class. thank you.
Well, I have little to add apart from the fact that, in spite of not having been there (and I really intend to make it happen, in the future!) your post makes me prouder than ever of both being one of your students, and of my commitment to this Tradition as my true spiritual Path...
May our Holy Mother bless you!
Feri thangs-Camps & Workshops
Hey Storm,
So glad to hear you are back and re-vital-ized! Been doing my Feri thing up here in the Santa Cruz redwoods, including hosting Feri Fridays ( http://wytchwoodnewsletter.blogspot.com/) and Feri Camp Intensives (http://www.wytchwood.com/FeriCampIntensives.htm). This is the work that speaks to my heart, teaching in a redwood grove both during the day and in the evenings. Love to get you out here again for a visit ... it has been quite some time since you graced the Great Grove with your energy.
love ya,
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