As Chas posted yesterday, we're getting married.
Actually we've been married in our hearts for 15 years (yes... that's us way back then in the user pic), but only now has the state of California decided to wake up and smell the equality.
We've set the date: August 30th. I wish I could invite a million people... but we have decided to keep it rather small and somewhat casual. Even after all these years of living as married, I'm really excited to have a ritual confirmation. Thank you, Anaar, for agreeing to perform the ceremony for us!
I'm the luckiest warlock in the world... I get to be handfasted to my best friend. :)
Yay! Congratulations!!
I promise I won't show up and give y'all a chivaree :D
Best wishes to you both.
Congratulations to you both!
May it be a day of wonder and joy in a lifetime shared.
Heartfelt congratulations and blessings to you both!
Blessings to you both! A small ceremony is a lot less nerve-wracking.
look how cute ya'll were.
and still are :)
congratulations! may you have 15 more, and 15 more, and 15 more...
Wonderful! Congratulations :)
woo hoo
We may have to add a community blessings to one of the rituals at BTW for all the new broom jumpers.
I bless you that your future together will be as perfect as you can stand for as long as you can stand. And I bet you have a pretty high tolerance for bliss, so that's gonna be pretty close to perfect and durn near forever. Congratulations.
Awwwww...that makes my little heart glad! Congrats!-Edge
Best Wishes to the Grooms! May your life together be long and joyful.
That is wonderful. And that pic is sooo cute!
I am so happy for you! Congratulations. :D
I finally got to come see your shop, did Chas tell you we stopped by a couple saturdays ago? Beautiful place. There's something hanging on the wall there that I really have to come back for, it would be a perfect gift for my lover.
Bright Blessings and Congratulations! May your love continue to grow!
OMGODS the cuteness of you two!
best wishes to both of you
Congratulations to you both! I am so very happy for you and I'd love to send you a little gift. let me know where you're registered (if you are) and if not, I'll send you something nice that you'll like.
Love and blessings,
Congrats thats awsome
Wow thats really great, I hope it's beautiful.
Hugs for you both.
Wow! Congratulations. And to many times 15 more!
Fantastic! I think it's wonderful that California is finally getting to the 21st century!
Hope you have a fabulous day on August 30!
I'm so excited for you!!!! How wonderful!
Awww! Congratulations!
Congradulations! Im so happy for the both of you. I wish I could come down to California and give you my blessings in person, but that will have to wait for Pantheacon.
Love and Blessings,
Congatulations, and all the best!
BTW, got your book today. Thanks for signing it! Shira
Yay! Congratulations! I'm sure it's going to be beautiful.
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