Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Witch Eye #10

Hot off the presses!

After a long road, fraught with technical and financial challenges, Witch Eye has emerged from the chaos better than it was before! I am proud to present the New and Improved:


 Witch Eye: A Zine of Feri Uprising
#10: The Gods of Feri

Highlights include:

The Winged Serpent: Seeing the Divine Twins
Lilith: Lost Goddess of Feri, Pt. 1
Close Encounters of the Green Kind
Our Faith Has No Hell: A Cleansing Ritual with Melek Tawus
The Gods of Infinity: The Lemniscate and its Presence in Feri Magick
Astarte: The Divinity of Sex
Light for the Gods: The Art of Candle Magick
Modern Queer Mythology: The Divine Twins

As well as the usual art, poetry, reviews, humor, and MORE!

But what’s new, you ask? How is it 'improved'?
Well, I’m glad you asked…

When I took over Witch Eye one of the first things I did was to increase the number of pages… and so by increasing the total by eight over the previous average we now offer a 52 page Zine… but wait! There’s more…

Remember the ‘olden days’ when Witch Eye had only a B&W interior? Well, those days are over and now we can boast COLOR and lots of it! This issue has some beautiful full-color art gracing its pages, a trend that I hope to continue.

Witch Eye is made possible by the creative efforts of people like YOU. We always welcome submissions from F(a)eri(e) folks (initiates, students, seekers, and other interested people) and while we now have a “Spotlight theme” for each issue (issue #11 will be “Secrecy in the Craft”) all submissions are equally welcome. If you have an idea for a piece, but aren’t sure about it, why not ask us? Contributors receive a free copy of the issue in which their work appears. Submission guidelines can be found at

Issues are $8 each (Shipping in the U.S. is FREE! International customers please contact us for shipping rates to your country), check or MO payable to “Faerywolf” and send to:

Witch Eye
c/o Faerywolf
PO Box 3736
Antioch, CA 94531

Orders may also be paid with credit card (via PayPal) by using the shopping cart on our website:

If you have any questions, please direct them to or by sending a SASE to our PO box.


f8 said...

I am very impressed with this issue of Witch Eye. This one feels like it actually embodies fey energy, rather than discussing it or describing it.
I don't think Lilith is a "lost" goddess of Feri - at least not to me! But it's a great article about a Goddess who I think Witches should know. And I'm so appreciative of the article on sacred prostitution. It's nice to see sex represented in the appropriate way.

minnie_oracles said...

that was fast
How did you get your copy so fast?!

f8 said...

Re: that was fast
direct delivery? I read it immediately? I dunno. it's an oathbound secret.

faerywolf said...

Re: that was fast
Hmmm... I sent them at the same time. Did you get yours yet?

mystfemme said...

Re: that was fast
I got mine yet and it is beeeuuutttiiifffullll. Twinkles to it having the Feri energy.