Thursday, August 04, 2011

New Workshop

Spiritual Cleansing: Purification Rites for the Self and Home
with Storm Faerywolf
Saturday, August 27; 3-5pm
Location: The Mystic Dream, Walnut Creek, CA

Every religion and spiritual path has knowledge of practices for the purpose of cleansing the soul of that which ails us. Whether this be in the form of anger, grief, worry, negative energy or "evil sprits", we can take control of our selves and our environments to banish unwanted spirits and energies and attract those things that are beneficial. Together we will discuss herbs, stones, symbols and rituals from various cultures and traditions and combine what we have learned into a simple rite to cleanse ourselves leaving us feeling purified and free.

Call 925-933-2342 to register with a credit card over the phone, or visit above link for more info.

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